Dibawah ini materi yang akan dikuasai oleh mahasiswa yang sedang mengambil mata kuliah bahasa Inggris.
- Part of speech : noun suffix
- Singular and plural noun
- Determiner
- Kinds of verbs and characteristics
- Adverbs overview
- Adjective suffix and prefix : compound adjectives
- Gerund and to infinitive
- Degree : comparison and superlative
- Prepositions overview
- Word , phrase and clause identification : building a sentence by adding more than one phrase, building a sentence with adjective clause, adverb clause and noun clause.
- Kind of sentences : simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, compound – complex sentence , subordinating conjunctions and coordinating conjunctions , main clause and subordinate clause
- Kind of sentences : declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory sentences and how to modify a sentence
- Punctuation exercises
- Passive voice : simple past , simple present , future, perfect, etc ( using to be+past participle , modal verb + be + past participle , is/am/are/was/were being + past participle ,have/has/had been + past participle )
- Conditional sentences practices
- Reading comprehension : recognizing comprehension questions, identifying subject-theme of the passages , main idea of paragraph, reference, inference , unknown vocabulary, author’s purpose.
- Writing descriptive, comparative and argumentative paragraphs
- Public Speaking , Drama , Presentation Skills.